Macular Degeneration: A Patient's Guide to Treatment

Title Macular Degeneration: A Patient's Guide to Treatment
Subtitle from cover: From diagnosis to treatment
Book Number DB074495
Names Boyer, David S.
Tabandeh, Homayoun.
Medium Digital Book
Title Status Available for Request
Annotation Retina specialists describe the risks, symptoms, diagnosis techniques, treatments, and emotional impact of macular degeneration. They explain the differences between the dry and wet versions of the disease, discuss hallucinations called Charles Bonnet syndrome, and assess available low-vision tools. 2012.
Narrator Wauters, Annie.
Length 2 hours, 46 minutes
Local Subject Medicine & Health - Layman's Guides - MEDLG
Medicine & Health - Vision - MEDV
Medicine & Health - Macular Degeneration - MEDMD
Medicine & Health - MED
Short Book - SB
Disability Interest (Nonfiction) - DIN
Disability Interest - Visual Disability - DIV
Adult Nonfiction - AN
LC Subject Retinal degeneration - Treatment
Retinal degeneration
Self-care, Health
Language English
ISBN 1936374323
Original Publication Recorded from: Omaha, Neb. : Addicus Books, c2012. 1936374323
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