All hell broke loose : the story of how young Minnesota people coped with the November 11, 1940 Armistice Day storm, the worst blizzard ever to hit Minnesota

Title All hell broke loose : the story of how young Minnesota people coped with the November 11, 1940 Armistice Day storm, the worst blizzard ever to hit Minnesota
Book Number DBC19748
Names Hull, William H.
Hoff, Fred, narrator.
Medium Digital Book
Title Status Available for Request
Annotation How young people coped with the storm of the century - 59 people died in Minnesota on November 11, 1940 when the worst blizzard ever hit Minnesota unexpectedly.
Narrator Hoff, Fred.
Length 10 hours, 56 minutes
Local Subject Minnesota - History - MNHIS
Minnesota Interest (Nonfiction) - MNIN
Minnesota Production - SSB - SSB
Minnesota Production - MP
Science - Weather & Weather Disasters - SCWEA
Short Book - SB
Biography - BIO
Biography - Family & Nostalgic - BIFN
Disaster (Nonfiction) - DISN
Adult Nonfiction - AN
History - U.S - HUS
Midwest Interest (Nonfiction) - MIN
Young Adult Nonfiction - YN
LC Subject Blizzards - Minnesota - Anecdotes
Blizzards - Minnesota - Personal narratives
Downloadable books
Talking books
Language English
ISBN 9780939330010
Original Publication Recorded from: Edina, MN : W.H. Hull, c1985. 978188237696
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