The last gunfight : the real story of the shootout at the O.K. Corral - and how it changed the American West

Title The last gunfight : the real story of the shootout at the O.K. Corral - and how it changed the American West
Book Number LP006044
Names Guinn, Jeff.
Medium Large Type
Title Status Available for Request
Annotation On October 26, 1881, in Tombstone, Arizona, eight men had a shootout. This gunfight at the O.K. Corral shaped how we now view the old West. Participants Wyatt Earp, Doc Holliday, and the Clantons became legends. Bestseller. 2011.
Length 691 p.
Local Subject Hard-cover - HC
Font Size - 16 Point - FON16
Adult Nonfiction - AN
History - U.S - HUS
History - U.S. - Pioneers & Frontier - HUSPF
History - U.S. - 19th Century - HUS19
Bestseller (Nonfiction) - BEN
Bestseller - 2010s - B2010
Language English
ISBN 9781410440228
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