Sapiens : a brief history of humankind

Title Sapiens : a brief history of humankind
Book Number DB081335
Names Harari, Yuval N.
Medium Digital Book
Title Status Available for Request
Annotation A discussion of the development of human culture and history, from the emergence of the first species of the genus Homo over 2 million years ago to the twenty-first century. Examines progress from the standpoints of biology, anthropology, paleontology, and economics. Translated from the 2011 Hebrew edition. 2015
Narrator Burton, Bill.
Length 16 hours, 56 minutes
Local Subject Science - Biology - SCBIO
Science - Anthropology - SCANT
Science - Archeology - SCARC
Sociology - SOC
Science (Nonfiction) - SCIN
Long Book - LB
Adult Nonfiction - AN
Science - Paleontology, Dinosaurs - SCPAL
World History - Modern (1600-Present) - WHM
World History - Ancient (3000 BC-500 AD) - WHA
Civilization - CIV
Science - Zoology, Animals - SCZOO
LC Subject Chronology, Historical
Civilization - History
Cognition and culture
Human beings - History
Technology and civilization - History
World history
Language English
ISBN 9780062316097
Original Publication Recorded from: First U.S. edition. New York, NY : Harper, an imprint of HarperCollinsPublishers, [2015] 9780062316097
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