The Emotional Journey of the Alzheimer's Family

Title The Emotional Journey of the Alzheimer's Family
Book Number DB082305
Names Santulli, Robert B.
Blandin, Kesstan.
Medium Digital Book
Title Status Available for Request
Annotation Immediate family members, friends, and neighbors of those with Alzheimer's undergo tremendous psychological and emotional change as they witness the disease progress. Santulli and Blandin chart this journey, the process of adaptation and acceptance, and provide insight on how to understand and cope with personal stress. 2015
Narrator Ferris, Jill.
Length 9 hours, 7 minutes
Local Subject Marriage, Family & Sex - MFS
Medicine & Health - MED
Long Book - LB
Medicine & Health - Alzheimer's Disease - MEDAL
Short Book - SB
Adult Nonfiction - AN
LC Subject Alzheimer's disease - Patients - Care
Alzheimer's disease - Patients - Family relationships
Caregivers - Psychology
Language English
ISBN 9781611687446
Original Publication Recorded from: Hanover, New Hampshire : Datmouth College Press, [2015] 9781611687446
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