Sapiens de animales a dioses : breve historia de la humanidad (Sapiens : a brief history of humankind)

Title Sapiens de animales a dioses : breve historia de la humanidad (Sapiens : a brief history of humankind)
De animales a dioses
Book Number DB084962
Names Harari, Yuval N.,
Harari, Yuval N.
Ros, Joandomenec.
Medium Digital Book
Title Status Available for Request
Annotation A discussion of the development of human culture and history, from the emergence of the first species of the genus Homo over two million years ago to the twenty-first century. Examines progress from the standpoints of biology, anthropology, paleontology, and economics. Originally published in Hebrew in 2011. Spanish language. 2014.
Una discusión sobre el desarrollo de la cultura humana y la historia, desde la apariciâón de la primera especie del gâénero Homo hace mâás de dos millones de años hasta el siglo veintiuno. Examina el progreso desde los puntos de vista de la biología, la antropologâía, la paleontología y la economâía. Originalmente publicado en hebreo en 2011.
Narrator Pino, María.
Length 18 hours, 50 minutes
Local Subject Science (Nonfiction) - SCIN
Language - Spanish - L-SPA
Long Book - LB
Science - Anthropology - SCANT
Science - Archeology - SCARC
Sociology - SOC
Science - Biology - SCBIO
Adult Nonfiction - AN
LC Subject Chronology, Historical
Civilization - History
Cognition and culture
Human beings - Anthropology
Human beings - Physical anthropology
Human beings - History
Technology and civilization - History
World history
Talking books
Downloadable books
Language Spanish
ISBN 9788499924212
Original Publication Recorded from: Barcelona : Debate Editorial, 2014. 9788499924212
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