Improv Nation how we made a great American art

Title Improv Nation how we made a great American art
Book Number DB090093
Names Wasson, Sam.
Medium Digital Book
Title Status Available for Request
Annotation Examines the history of improvisational comedy, which the author considers a uniquely American form of entertainment. Includes interviews from early groundbreakers such as Elaine May and Mike Nichols, as well as the producers of SCTV and Saturday Night Live, among others. Strong language and some descriptions of sex. Commercial audiobook. 2017.
Narrator De Vries, David.
Length 15 hours, 33 minutes
Local Subject Long Book - LB
Art (Nonfiction) - ARTN
Adult Nonfiction - AN
LC Subject Improvisation (Acting)
Talking books
Downloadable books
Language English
ISBN 9781684410651
Original Publication Reissue of: Unabridged. Prince Frederick, Md. : HighBridge, 2017 9781684410651
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