The woman in the window

Title The woman in the window
Book Number LP008066
Names Finn, A. J.
Medium Large Type
Title Status Available for Request
Annotation Heavily medicated for PTSD-induced agoraphobia, Anna Fox has spent the past ten months trapped in her Harlem home. She spends her time spying on neighbors, drinking, and watching movies. When she witnesses a murder, no one believes such an unreliable witness. Strong language, some violence, and some descriptions of sex. Bestseller. 2018.
Length 595 p.
Local Subject Soft-cover - SC
Font Size - 14 Point - FON14
Adult Fiction - AF
Bestseller (Fiction) - BEF
Bestseller - Mystery - BEFM
Mystery - American Setting - MYSAS
Mystery - MYS
Suspense Fiction - SUSF
Mystery - Detective, Deduction - MYSDD
Thriller - THR
Medicine (Fiction) - MEDF
Bestseller - 2010s - B2010
Language English
ISBN 9780062791450
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