Educated : a memoir

Title Educated : a memoir
Book Number LP008196
Names Westover, Tara.
Medium Large Type
Title Status Available for Request
Annotation Memoir exploring the author's path from being raised in a fundamentalist, paranoiac Mormon family where she was homeschooled to eventually working her way to graduate degrees at Cambridge and Harvard. Discusses hardships faced by the family, abuse at the hands of a sibling, and more. Some violence and strong language. Bestseller. 2018.
Length 493 p.
Local Subject Soft-cover - SC
Adult Nonfiction - AN
Bestseller (Nonfiction) - BEN
Biography - BIO
Biography - Autobiography - BIAU
Biography - Family & Nostalgic - BIFN
Biography - Women - BIW
Religion (Nonfiction) - REL
Bestseller - 2010s - B2010
Language English
ISBN 9780525589983
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