The library book

Title The library book
Book Number DB092869
Names Orlean, Susan.
Medium Digital Book
Title Status Available for Request
Annotation The author re-opens the unsolved mystery of the most catastrophic library fire in US history. On April 29, 1986, fire broke out at the Los Angeles Public Library and destroyed or damaged more than a million books. Examines the evolution of public libraries while celebrating their value in society. Commercial audiobook. Bestseller. 2018.
Narrator Orlean, Susan.
Length 12 hours, 11 minutes
Local Subject History - U.S - HUS
Long Book - LB
Adult Nonfiction - AN
Bestseller (Nonfiction) - BEN
History - U.S. - 20th Century - HUS20
Crime & True Detective - CRI
Libraries & Reading (Nonfiction) - 020
Bestseller - 2010s - B2010
Award - AF/YF - Reese's Book Club - AWRBC
LC Subject Books - Conservation and restoration - California - Los Angeles
Fires - California - Los Angeles
Library buildings - Fires and fire prevention - California - Los Angeles
Library materials - Conservation and restoration - California - Los Angeles
Talking books
Downloadable books
Language English
ISBN 9781508266488
Original Publication Reissue of: [Place of publication not identified] : Simon & Schuster Audio, 2018. 9781508266488
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