1919 : the year that changed America

Title 1919 : the year that changed America
Nineteen-nineteen the year that changed America
Book Number DB094368
Names Sandler, Martin W.
Medium Digital Book
Title Status Available for Request
Annotation Explores the major movements of 1919 that changed the country just as World War I came to an end. Covers the rise of women's suffrage, the violence of the Red Summer and the Red Scare, and Prohibition. For grades 6-9. National Book Award: Young People's Literature, 2019. 2019.
Narrator Moore, Bob.
Length 5 hours, 38 minutes
Local Subject Short Book - SB
Award - National Book Award - AWANB
History - U.S - HUS
Juvenile Nonfiction - JN
Juvenile Nonfiction, Grades 6-9 - JN6
Jr./Sr. High School (Nonfiction) - JN7
Award-Winner - Juvenile Nonfiction - AWJN
History - U.S. - 20th Century - HUS20
War - World War I (Nonfiction) - WW1N
LC Subject Nineteen nineteen, A.D - Juvenile literature
Social movements - United States - History - 20th century - Juvenile literature
United States - History - 1919-1933 - Juvenile literature
United States - Social conditions - 1918-1932 - Juvenile literature
Talking books
Downloadable books
Language English
ISBN 9781681198019
Original Publication Recorded from: New York : Bloomsbury Children's Books, 2019. 9781681198019
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