The first conspiracy : the secret plot against George Washington

Title The first conspiracy : the secret plot against George Washington
Book Number LP008575
Names Meltzer, Brad.
Mensch, Josh.
Medium Large Type
Title Status Available for Request
Annotation An account of a treasonous plan by George Washington's bodyguards, working together with New York City mayor David Mathews and New York governor William Tryon, to kill the commander in the months leading up to the Revolutionary War. Some violence. Bestseller. 2019.
Length 631 p.
Local Subject Hard-cover - HC
Font Size - 16 Point - FON16
Adult Nonfiction - AN
Bestseller (Nonfiction) - BEN
Crime & True Detective - CRI
History - U.S - HUS
History - U.S. - 18th Century - HUS18
War (Nonfiction) - WARN
War - U.S. (Nonfiction) - WARUN
War - Am. Revolutionary War (Nonfiction) - WARWN
Politics & Government - U.S - POLUS
History - U.S. - Presidents - HUSP
Bestseller - 2010s - B2010
Language English
ISBN 9781432859596
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