Slaying Goliath : the passionate resistance to privatization and the fight to save America's public schools

Title Slaying Goliath : the passionate resistance to privatization and the fight to save America's public schools
Book Number DB098464
Names Ravitch, Diane.
Carlin, Amanda, narrator.
Medium Digital Book
Title Status Available for Request
Annotation Examination of the effects of privatizing the public school system in the United States. Discusses the differences between disruption and reform; student performance in schools that have been privatized; corporate interests in privatization; and the role of grassroots organizations in resisting privatization efforts. Some strong language. Commercial audiobook. 2020.
Narrator Carlin, Amanda.
Length 13 hours, 18 minutes
Local Subject Long Book - LB
Adult Nonfiction - AN
Education - Schools & activities - EDU
Current Events - CE
Politics & Government - U.S - POLUS
LC Subject Education and state - United States
Privatization in education - United States
Public schools - United States
Talking books
Downloadable books
Language English
ISBN 9780593169810
Original Publication Reissue of: Unabridged. [New York, NY] : Random House Audio, 2020. 9780593169810
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